
Not Just A Logo. We Build Complete, Powerful, Beautiful Brands.

In very general terms, branding helps to identify a product or service, and most importantly, helps the public distinguish one product or service from another.

The goal is to build a brand that intrigues and inspires your customers to desire your product or service over the competition. Branding is important because it helps make a lasting and memorable impression on consumers, but it also allows your customers to know what to expect from your company. It distinguishes you from your competitors and clarifies why your product or service is the better choice.

Your brand should be a true representation of who you are, and how you want to be viewed by those who matter to you.

As you scroll to the bottom of this page you will see example of our brand work. 

Why Is Branding Important?
  • Branding Gets Recognition
  • It Increases Business Value
  • Generates New Customers
  • Improves Employee Pride And Satisfaction
  • Creates Trust Within The Marketplace
  • Supports Advertising

Our Process

The one thing that differentiates our creative process from other marketing/design agencies is YOU! Some marketing firms claim they involve their clients in their design processes, and some will, to a point. We go further and include you – and even some of your champion clients in your target market. We find this is the only true way to get a feel for how others perceive you. Sometimes the way others perceive you is, in fact, the way you want to be perceived, other times, not so much. If the later is the case, do not freat, we can help you change that if you want.

Each branding project begins with a “Kick-Off-Meeting” to engage with our clients and to collect important information about who they are, what they want to be, and how long they want it to take to reach any set goals. 

This is the way we start building a brand, we work with our clients and make them a part of the process.

Engage Phase

We typically start off each new brand, or rebrand, by working with the client to focus on who they are, or in the case of a new business, who they want to be. If at all possible we include “champion clients” to determine why they originally chose our client over their competitor – This can be a very eye-opening experience.

Some of these phrases and verbal insights gathered will be used later in other marketing materials. After gaining some key branding insights, we then focus on on-brand visuals. Working together, we reviewed hundreds of images, colors, fonts, icons and other brands to gain an understanding of the client’s style. 

Impact Phase.

Crafting A Meaningful Message and Visuals.

Using the images, colors, and fonts selected during the Engage Phase, we then developed at least 3 logos the client can to choose from. In addition to creating these logos, we then add logos to the environment. Meaning we mock-up the logo on shirts, hats, mugs, etc. This usually helps the client visualize what the brand could look like as it is eventually expanded into the marketplace.

Implement Phase.

In this phase, we take the chosen creative visual (Logo) and expand it out into the Marketplace. From business cards to advertisements to a 16-foot-tall trade show booth, we implemented the new brand into the target market.


Latest Brands and Rebrands